MDICx – Quarterly update on the CDRH Case for Quality Voluntary Medical Device Manufacturing and Product Quality Pilot Program February 27, 2018 – 12 p.m. eastern

Interested in the Medical Device Discovery Appraisal Program (#mddap) and how it uses @CMMI_Institute framework to help medical device companies and get regulatory modifications from the @FDAcdrhIndustry? Attend the next CfQ webinar Feb 27:

In 2017, CDRH launched a pilot project designed to incentivize medical device manufacturers to demonstrate mature quality practices by reducing certain regulatory requirements for those who demonstrate quality maturity ( CDRH expects the pilot to continue through 2018 and MDIC will provide updates on pilot progress, lessons learned, and changes made to the program through this quarterly MDICx webinar series.


The first webinar update on the pilot will take place on February 27 at 12 p.m. Eastern

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